22 July 24 | Lisboa

Decree-Law 41-A/2024, published on 28th June, approves new rules within the scope of the migration plan, assigning new powers to the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA)

Decree-Law 41-A/2024, published on 28th June, approves new rules within the scope of the migration plan, assigning new powers to the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA), reformulating the Migration Observatory, and extending the validity period established in Decree-Law 10-A/2020 for documents and visas.

The legislation extends the period of validity of documents and visas relating to residence in national territory (which expire from the date of entry into force of the decree or within the 15 days immediately preceding it) until 30th June 2025.

These documents will still be accepted after that date, provided that the respective holder proves that they have already made an appointment to renew them. 

With this Decree-Law, AIMA is also assigned with the mission of proactively attracting immigrants, namely by promoting the attraction of migratory flows of qualified human capital, in conjunction with employers and state entities responsible for employment and vocational training.

Additionally, the Migration Observatory is established and enhanced as a body of AIMA, with the mission of producing, collecting, processing and disseminating information and knowledge on the phenomenon of migration.

The Migration Observatory’s responsibilities include:

  • Promoting the study, research and observation of migratory phenomena, in close coordination with university study centres and international organisations;
  • Monitor and evaluate policies and programmes for migrants and promote recommendations for the definition of public policies and legislative initiatives in AIMA's areas of activity, in conjunction with the Council for Migration and Asylum;
  • Promote constructive and productive dialogue between political decision-makers and academia on migration issues;
  • Informing and raising public awareness, namely by combating myths and stereotypes about migration, promoting content, training actions and other awareness-raising initiatives;
  • Drafting quantitative and qualitative implementation indicators to measure AIMA's performance levels, among other things.

This body will be comprised of a scientific director, appointed by the member of the Government responsible for the area of migration, and a multidisciplinary project team, created after deliberation of AIMA's board of directors.

Decree-Law 41-A/2024 came into force on 29th June.

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